Homeschooling and Working

Tips for Juggling Homeschooling and Working Outside the Home

When most of us think of a family at home, we often think of a housewife, a working father and one or two children. Although this idyllic scene that is described may be what we think regarding homeschool, it is not necessarily this way when trying to juggle homeschooling and working to pay the bills.

Some mothers are not encouraged to do homeschooling with their children because they work outside the home. They think that it is simply not possible to teach their children at home and work at the same time. But it is actually possible. If you are trying to arrange homeschooling and working, or if you just consider it as a possibility, here are some tips that might help you.

1. Eliminate exclusions for the duration of a school day. Those of us who grew up in the public school system tend to think that the school lasts all day, from early morning to late afternoon. However, home tuition takes much less time than public school.

Home School attendance is more targeted, has fewer students and does not have to include travel time or other activities that can be very long with 25 or 30 children. Depending on your program, the number and age of your students, you can work at home for 30 minutes a day while doing extensive work.

2. Choose a program that is not too difficult or complicated. Look for programs based on short, daily lessons that cover one or two topics a day. This is another myth that you have to give up: it is not necessary to take courses in every subject every day.

3. Take advantage or your everyday round trip. For example, take a minute to get a collection of books from the library (in many libraries, you can call and ask for books on a particular topic, and you can just drive in and pick them up). Or stop by the art shop for materials on your way home.

4. Also, have the daily tutor for your children take lessons with them. You may find that the tutor enjoys this kind of “planned” day.

5. It’s good to go to school at home in the evening. You can, for example, read during dinner or at bedtime. You can do a science project or an experiment after dinner.

6. Plan ahead – plan on a weekly basis so you do not waste time planning your lessons at all times. Planning enables you to juggle homeschooling and working.